FITNESS Our members can exercise with or without supervision, in the cosy and motivating fitness room of Narei Studio. Our fitness room is fully equipped with cardio and strength machines for those who want an additional workout to their Pilates or Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis classes. We can help you create a personal training program according to your goals and the needs of your body. Personal training programs are also proposed, for those who need a closer look at their exercise form and workout routine.
GYROKINESIS Gyrokinesis is a movement system inspired by Juliu Horvath. This method works for the entire body through natural elements of spinal movement and, synchronizing with calming breathing patterns, it offers a reinforcing routine while healing the body. It is a routine in order to stretch, expand and tone through contrasts, curve, arches and spirals with the entire body. In this way it stimulates the nervous system, the internal organs, fluids, glands, muscles, bones and increases the range of motion inside the body. This may be the only technique that focuses both on the internal organs and the nervous system. Gyrokinesis is a system of training that involves only a stool, a mat and… the need of a beautiful and healthy body embraced by a happy and free spirit.
TRAMPOLINE Rebounding on a trampoline is a whole body exercise, intense or less intense, that boosts both the body and the brain. The brain-body connection is activated more than the usual. The ‘’against gravity’’ up and down motion helps stimulate the brain as it requires that the jumper manages multiple tasks simultaneously: balancing, bouncing, maintaining an upright position and anticipating the next move. This mental multi-tasking is a fun and effective way to practice the skill of concentration. Trampoline exercise is suitable for everyone and it perfectly combines a cardio and a strength training. It is no surprise how effective it is as an aerobic exercise as it increases the metabolism and helps burn calories, build heart fitness and improve your balance. However, compared to other cardio exercises, it is more intense with regard to its results. In addition, it helps the lymphatic system circulation, it also helps in blood circulation and hence improves the cardiovascular system. This boosts immunity, removes toxins and facilitates the body’s natural detoxification mechanism. What is more, trampoline exercise strengthens every single muscle of the body, especially the center and the legs, because they remain constantly activated throughout the whole workout, so as to keep the jumper on the trampoline. The body becomes flexible and strong and the sense of balance is improved. It must be underlined that all this risk no injury, as the trampoline itself absorbs the impact of the landing, protecting the bones and the joints. The most important about trampoline is that it makes you feel happy, positive and self-confident. It rejuvenates your body and relaxes you, sending you back to a stressless and carefree childhood! In Narei we use the Bellicon Trampoline.
NAREI SWING Narei Swing, is a training method that combines the methodology of different kinds of dance and exercise, inspired by Arsinoe Tsakalogianni. In Narei Studio, we were familiar with the swings as a way of play and exercise, long before it became popular. The love and devotion to this anti-gravity training resulted in the creation of Narei Swing method, where all of the workout is done in the air. The body is supported by a special kind of hammock which assures a safe and fun training. While it is breathtaking to watch, what is really impressive is the ease of the participation in this mysterious relaxing dance that offers balance and strength. In Narei, you can attend Narei Swing classes as well as the NAREI SWING® training program, suitable for the instructors interested in learning, ameliorating or evolving aerial exercise.