In Narei we are very interested in therapeutic exercise. Arsinoe is currently studying osteopathy at OSD (Osteopathie Schule Deutschland) and applies its methods and principles during her sessions. In the same time, she is teaching Gyrotonic’s treatment programs not only to the trainers interested in the method but also to persons who need a therapeutic approach to their exercise. For best results, Narei instructors use the methodology of Pilates as well as classic training methods (gym machines for cardio or strength). Narei also offers complementary manual therapies and, when it comes to particular cases, we usually work with specialists who can help when we can not.
Osteopathy in Narei Osteopathy is a manual therapeutic therapy that aims to improve health across all body systems. The osteopath mainly tries to “open” the fascia -a kind of connective membrane that covers and stabilizes muscles and other internal organs-, to energize the spine -that connects the scull with the pelvis, loosens up the structures so as body fluids circulate, releases the internal organs and helps the body heal itself. This therapeutic exercise can also be seen as an art whose audience would be a body in motion. In Narei, we have managed to integrate the philosophy of osteopathy into the movement, raising the standards of therapeutic exercise. And we continue.